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Gary and Gloria

While sitting in Verdi Park on Broadway and 72nd Street waiting for someone to come by, this couple sat down next to me.  We began chatting.  Gary walks with a cane; Gloria does not.  They have lived on the Upper West Side for more than 20 years.

Gary currently has two jobs; he works as a headhunter for a living and as a writer of fiction.

Gloria had been a book editor and has published a book of her own photographs - Highway 51 (small towns in Mississippi)as well. 

Gloria is originally from Mississippi, which surprised me since she has no trace of a southern accent.  We had a long conversation about following one's passion vs. taking a job that pays the bills.

Gary and Gloria invited me to come back another day and visit their apartment.  We set a date and I bought some of the photographs for them. They loved them.  Their apartment on the Upper West Side of New York City is a classic setting for a creative writer.  There were books and books and books all over the apartment.


Gloria is no longer taking photographs but she has some magnificent images.  They had not had their photograph taken in quite a while so they were happy to have me take some more images of them.  Gary wore a jacket and tie for the occasion.

What I find wonderfully interesting is here I met two strangers in a park in the middle of New York City and after only a 30-minute conversation they were perfectly willing to invite a stranger to their apartment and this stranger was perfectly willing to go.  Just one more reason why I love this city.

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